Friday, March 1, 2013

3 "Be"s!


Having 15+ years of work experience, I can summarise my whole achievements into 3 dot points:

1- Be Professional!
All days go to work as it your first day of your work and you need to show yourself; try to do your best, as much as you can. It doesn't matter whether you run your own business or not; what really matter is to work as you work for yourself. Like a professional athlete always do your best for the team.

2- Be Part of the Game!
Learning dose not have any boundaries! You should always keep read, observe and perceive the changes. Look carefully how other professionals work and live. Learn from other companies; Deduce the competitors.

3- Be Patient!
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" (**). So, learn how to be hardy in hard time! learn how keep calm in difficult situations. Being patient dose not mean to be slow; in the classic tale of rabbit and turtle, it is good to be rab-tle!

Have fun!

*: Source:
**: Quote by Chinese philosopher Laozi


  1. Hey Ali, congrats on your new blog. I've been following your other blog for years and will follow this one as well. Keep the good work!

    1. Thanks Ali.It is an honor for me to have readers like you.

  2. Dear Ali
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    1. Thanks, and hope to read your new weblog very soon.

  3. So happy for you to start your own blog. it really needs great commitment that you have it as I know you :) I will follow you here as your previous blog. I believe that you are going to be extremely successful :)

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  5. Hi,
    Ali great information .i like the detailing partts.

