Monday, March 11, 2013

Perfect Week!

What a week!?

Furthermore, I've started my new project on Designing a BI subsystem for TE CRM, and I am really excited about that.
Indeed, I have a perfect week!

That's all. 


  1. Your perfect week shows that your decision for immigration has been right. consider the situation you could be in Iran just before New year Festival and you should fight with so many problems including cash shortage and wage problem and sending the gifts for claimants customers. To be honest I am envious of your calm situation.

  2. It is too soon to know the complete results of my "BIG" decision, But I have to confess that I am happy now. I am happy because I found my way back to my origin: Software Engineering. When I was in Iran, I had to look after different things from HR to Financial problems,I tried several times to get ride of those responsibilities but I couldn't, now, I am focusing on only one thing, and it is really great!
    Take care...

  3. Tried to correct some of your grammatical errors:
    a great presentation BY Nima Mir Sotoudeh
    Tuesday: I am going to be in AN Australian SQL Server meeting about (can say it better, if you change the structure of sentence complete;y)
    Wednesday : Will Be in Oracle "Cloudworld 2013" Conference.
    Thursday: I will be in meet-up and presentation BY Sydney Business Analysts group and will LISTEN TO Mike Crawford'S PRESENTATION (YOU CAN SAY IT WAY BETTER BY CHANGING THE STRUCTURE)

    Friday: what WOULD you expect !? Who goes to a professional meeting on A Friday afternoon!?
    I AM really excited about that.

    1. Thank you very much. I've fixed some of my mistakes. Thanks again.
