Sunday, March 3, 2013

Persian Style!

It is the a fact that one of the most important aspect of software engineering is "People".
In Project management when you are dealing with team building and team management, in Business and system analysis when you are analyzing business requirements, in Software implementation when you are training users and customizing software products and in Software development when you are simply a member of a team... You are working with people!

We have different people all around the world. Each part of the world based on their culture, understanding of technology, complexity of social interactions, political and economical issues end even religious beliefs has different opinion  point of view on software development and deployment process and we - as software engineers- should consider this diversity . Dr. Orit Hazzan in her book- "Human aspects of Software Engineering"- covers some of the most important issues on this subject.

Now, based on this ground rule, I want to move forward and talk about a specific type of software engineering, Persian Style!

I think the key characteristics of  Persian Software Business are:
  1. Communication is mostly based on face-to-face interactions rather than non-direct styles (i.e. email or fax).
  2. Turn over in project teams are considerably high. 
  3. Software resource cost in development project is almost negligible.
  4. It is hard to build a moderate relation among a team members.
  5. It is easy to access to the latest tools and Technics.
  6. External factors' effect in projects are more than world's norms.
  7. Customers expectation of software products are high and  uncertain.
  8. Software project cost and time is  are hard to estimate.
  9. Intention to use modern methodologies are extremely high.
  10. Customers' interference in software development is common.   
  11. Lake of structured documentation is a common problem. 
These factors  lead us to the particular type of software engineering which I named "Persian Software Engineering"

I will cover this subject and the its usage in international software markets in the future posts.

to be continued...


  1. It is A fact that one of the most important aspect of software engineering is "People".
    complexity of social INTERACTIONS
    religious BELIEFS
    has different opinion on software development and deployment process -> This does not make sense in English, maybe you should you effects instead of opinion
    COVERS some of the most
    about A specific type of software engineering,
    I think THE key characteristics
    relation among TEAM MEMBERS
    It is easy to HAVE access to the latest tools and Technics.
    External factors' effects in projects are more than the world's norms.
    CUSTOMERS' expectation of software products are high
    cost and time ARE

    I will cover this subject and ITS usage in international software markets in THE future posts.

    Good luck

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